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Our Commitment, Our Responsibility

Posted 07/19/2019

We are 100% invested in girls and women. We are committed to serving and uplifting a diverse population. We are committed to recognizing and calling out injustice and oppression in service of fostering a more equitable world in which girls and women thrive. We are committed to being a community that is inclusive of all identities. These are our values in action.

We have a responsibility to our community. We will not tolerate the blatant racism and xenophobia that has become a normalized part of our national conversation. It is not normal. It is not ok. In the face of racism, injustice, and hatred, we raise our voice. In doing so, we hope that the girls and women of our Big Sister Boston community will courageously join us in raising their voices, knowing that they deserve to be heard.

90 percent of our Little Sisters are girls of color. Many of them are immigrants or first-generation Americans. What they are hearing from the highest office in our country is that women should not voice their views; that the countries which they or their families have come from are “broken and crime infested;” that, ultimately, if their skin is not white, they do not belong here. This is not normal. This is not ok.