Big Sister Boston Logo

Thank you for your interest in volunteering!

Big Sister Boston is a Sisterhood that fosters a sense of belonging; we create a space where Little Sisters can learn, grow, and become their best selves through a caring, supportive relationship. Both Big and Little Sisters benefit from the positive mentoring relationships that our professional staff make and support. 

Below you will find descriptions of our volunteer program offerings. Please fill out the form and follow the prompts to set up your next step.

Big for A Day

  • Short-term, event-based opportunity
  • Paired one-to-one in a group setting
  • Choose your own frequency of events
  • Volunteers must be 18 or older

Community-Based Mentoring

  • One-to-one, long-term match opportunity
  • Visits every other week for the full first year
  • Coordinate with family to plan outings on weekends
  • Commitment for at least one year
  • Volunteers must be 20 or older

Site-Based Mentoring 

  • One-to-one, long- term match opportunity
  • Weekly visits during school year
  • Meet at school during lunch/recess or after-school hours
  • Commitment for at least three academic semesters 
  • Volunteers must be 18 or older

Have any additional questions? 

Connect with us directly by clicking here

Big Sister Boston Volunteer Inquiry Form

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