
Achieving Social-Emotional & Academic Outcomes

We measure the results of our mentoring programs with the Youth Outcomes Survey (YOS), a research-based tool developed by Big Brothers Big Sisters of America (BBBSA) in conjunction with experts in the field of mentoring. These measurements are applied to our Community-Based Mentoring (CBM) program and our Site-Based Mentoring program (SBM).

We include maintenance of positive outcomes along with improvements in our overall measures which indicate that Little Sisters are developing resiliency against risk factors they may face in their lives. This tool processes YOS data using the Reliable Change Index to determine meaningful change in scores. Because the index incorporates a margin of error and can determine between “significant improvement” and “trending toward significant improvement” in girls’ positive outcomes, the data we report will provide a more statistically rigorous analysis.

These outcomes represent the percent of girls surveyed that either improved or stayed constant in these measures.

Social Competence & Social Acceptance

Associated with peer relations and conduct which are linked to higher grades and graduation rates.

Community-Based Mentoring
0 %
Site-Based Mentoring
0 %

Educational Expectations

Associated with hope for a higher education or educational success which is linked to academic achievement, high school graduation, and college attendance.

Community-Based Mentoring
0 %
Site-Based Mentoring
0 %

Grades/Academic Performance

Associated with actual grades which are linked to internalizing behaviors for girls, and high school graduation rates.

Community-Based Mentoring
0 %
Site-Based Mentoring
0 %

Having Very Important Adult in Their Lives

Associated with improved school attendance, attitudes toward school and parental trust which are linked to improved grades and decreased delinquency.

Community-Based Mentoring
0 %
Site-Based Mentoring
0 %

Parental Trust/Family Connectedness

Associated with positive parental relationships which are linked to decreased risky behavior and better school performance.

Community-Based Mentoring
0 %
Site-Based Mentoring
0 %

Sister Spotlight On Highschool Mentoring BS Ashna & Comcast Coach Nicole

Big Sister Ashna is a junior at Boston Latin Academy. While teen girls are often thought of strictly as Little Sisters, Ashna is one of the nearly 50 female students from BLA who volunteer as Big Sisters in our High School Mentoring Academy. These teen Big Sisters are matched with Little Sisters from the nearby Trotter Innovation School where they meet weekly. 

Read More Sister Spotlights

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Success starts with the right role models and we are a community of dedicated leaders, ambassadors, and advocated focused on the unique needs of girls.